Mistakes were made
OK, some further explanations and links for those who are interested/asked. Reps vs. Reps vs. Senators There are a bunch of people who represent you in government at several levels. In your immediate town/city, there might be council members or aldermen - these people work with the mayor or town manger to run things. Some states also have county-level government. I confess to being very ignorant about this because CT doesn't have this, so I never paid attention. There are people who represent you at the state level. They are your state Representatives and Senators. And there are people who represent you at the federal (national) level. These folks are also your Representatives and Senators. And the term "reps" is used for ALL OF THEM because they represent you. Calling only certain people When you "call your reps" it is important to call only those people who represent you. Those are the only calls and comments that can make a difference. Sure, you can drunk di...